Due to a clerical error, the penultimate draft of the paper by J. M. Hipfner and A. J. Gaston was published in the July 2002 issue of The Auk (vol. 119, no. 3). Revisions in the final edited draft (by Associate Editor D. N. Nettleship and senior author J. M. Hipfner) include the title of the paper, terminology usage, and corrections to the list of references. The final, corrected version of the paper can be found on The Auk website at www.aou.org/aou/contents.html. All citations and use of the Hipfner and Gaston work should therefore correspond with the final version posted on the homepage and not that appearing in Auk 119(3): 827–832. The correct citation for the paper is
Hipfner, J. M., and A. J. Gaston. 2002–03. Growth of Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia) Chicks in Relation to Parental Experience and Hatching Date. Auk 119:827–832 and 120:235.
An errata list of principal errors and corrections of original 2002 publication follows.
Page 827
Title should read: “Growth of Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia) Chicks in Relation to Parental Experience and Hatching Date”.
Abstract, line 8, “…affected chick growth…” not “…affected nestling growth…”; line 21, “…influenced chick growth…” not “…influenced nestling growth…”; line 27, “…an Arctic-breeding species…” not “…an Arctic-nesting species…”.
Résumé: correct French abstract as above for English abstract.
Main text, paragraph 1, line 12, “…high-quality breeding sites…” not “…high quality nest sites…”.
Page 828
Paragraph 2, line 17, “…induced to re-lay, so…” not “…induced to renest, so…”.
Paragraph 3, line 2, “…cliff-breeding seabirds of Arctic…” not “…cliff-nesting seabirds of Arctic…”; line 12, “…offspring to fledging…” not “…offspring to nest departure…”; line 14, “…data), which indicates that…” not “…data), indicating that…”; line 24, “…growth of young Thick-billed…” not “…growth of nestling Thick-billed…”; lines 28–29, “…growth of murre chicks…” not “…growth of nestling murres…”.
Paragraph 5, line 21, “…included five unbanded…” not “…included a few unbanded…”.
Page 829
Paragraph 1, line 16, “…Thick-billed Murre chicks…” not “…nestling Thick-billed Murres…”.
Paragraph 2, line 2, “…and chick…” not “…and nestling…”.
Paragraph 4, line 2, “…on chick growth are shown…” not “…on nestling growth are shown…”.
Table 1 caption, “…treatment groups of Thick-billed Murres (mean…” not “…treatment groups (mean…”.
Page 830
Figure 2 caption, line 2, “…dates for Thick-billed Murre chicks…” not “…dates for nestlings…”.
Paragraph 1, line 1, “…for chicks raised…” not “… for nestlings raised…”; line 4, “…on growth of young (compare…” not “…on nestling growth (compare…”.
Paragraph 2, line 2, “…rates of young Thick-…” not “…rates of nestling Thick-…”; line 6, “…food murre chicks receive…” not “…food nestling murres receive…”; line 13, “…to their chicks than…” not “… to their nestlings than…”; lines 23–24, Weimerskirch 1992 not in Literature Cited (see below for insert).
Paragraph 3, line 12, “…influenced chick growth…” not “…influenced nestling growth…”; “lines 12–13, “Wandering Albatross (…) chicks raised…” not “Nestling Wandering Albatrosses (…) raised…”; line 20, “In summary, it appears…” not “In sum, it appears…”; line 22, “…affect chick growth in…” not “…affect nestling growth in…”.
Paragraph 4, line 11, “…hatching and fledging success…” not “…hatching and nestling success…”; line 12, “…chick growth rates…” not “…nestling growth rates…”; line 13, “…between site departure…” not “…between nest departure…”; final sentence, “…at some small, low-Arctic colonies.”, not “…at low-Arctic colonies.”